Hello. My name is Tara. I hail from Bonnie Scotland and was born with a terminal case of Stage 3 wanderlust. In my short 22 years, I have been fortunate enough to visit 30 countries, to have lived abroad twice, studied abroad twice and to have seen three dead Communist leaders’ bodies.

I have celebrated New Year in North Korea, had a prostitute throw a shoe at me in Amsterdam, fallen down a manhole in Ukraine, crashed a moped and nearly got septicemia in Thailand and worked in a restaurant in China for 70p an hour. I also once gave a whisky tasting tour to a famous porn star.
My bicycle is my life partner, and whisky my dirty mistress. Apart from that, I like the outdoors – hillwalking, camping, rock climbing – and learning foreign languages. Oh, and nothing gets me more excited than Spanish syncopated rhythms or some Soviet paraphernalia.

There has been some half baked notion in my mind of starting a travel blog for a number of years. An August 2016 trip to Eastern Europe, which made me reevaluate a number of aspects of my life, was the metaphorical kick in the balls that I needed to finally get started.
Currently I am based in Scotland, working for an American company that runs study abroad programmes for American students. Although I am not on the road at the moment you can expect tips, advice and tales about specific destinations and travel in general, as well as being kept up to date on my upcoming travel plans and day to day life. Scotland will take the spotlight, with a plethora of information about the country, its culture, climate and people to help you plan your own trip here. Hopefully this will be a great resource to inspire you and help you out with your own travel adventures.
In the meantime you can check out where I’ve been or feel free to drop me a line with any comments, queries or article suggestions.
Tara x